Netcetera tackles financial fraud with advanced technology

Fraud is one of the biggest challenges in the financial landscape.

Netcetera, under the guidance of Managing Director Hanspeter Jsler, is addressing one of the industry's most pressing issues, fraud, by combining relentless innovation with a commitment to security and user-friendly solutions.

"Fraud has been a major challenge in our industry, necessitating continuous development of new methods to combat it," Jsler stated. 

Netcetera's strategy involves a deep analysis of market trends and proactive adaptation to evolving threats, likening their efforts to a "marathon" rather than a sprint in the fight against financial crime.

Netcetera prides itself on its adherence to and shaping of international standards for payment authentication, such as those set by EMVCo. 

"We aim not just to follow but to shape the standards, making transactions even more secure," Jsler explained. This proactive stance is coupled with educating customers, emphasising an approach to security that goes beyond mere technical integration.

Netcetera's influence extends to the integration of their services with traditional banks and the expansion into regions with high numbers of unbanked individuals. 

Following the closure of one of their competitors, many customers were referred to Netcetera, drawn by the simplicity and accessibility of their APIs and interfaces. 

"Our products are designed to be easily integrated, making banking services more accessible to everyone," said Jsler. This approach has proven particularly effective in countries like Indonesia and India, where the company offers wallet services to individuals who may not qualify for traditional bank accounts, thus promoting financial inclusivity.

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