E-commerce and the way forward

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Top News

One Bangkok launches Thailand's first Mitsukoshi food destination
The 4,600 square meter supermarket and food hall promises a world-class shopping experience.
Philippine e-commerce market to surge by 19.6% in 2024
Increasing consumer preference for online shopping and robust internet penetration are driving this growth.
Kith to open flagship store in Seoul
This marks the brand's entry into the Seoul market.


Thai developer says malls stand out as ‘offline super apps’
The tangible business model for entertainment, dining, and retail under one roof still works, and improves with technology.
Vietnam pharmacy chain taps technology to better serve customers
FPT Long Chau commits to innovation and personalisation, but not at the expense of customer trust.
ION Orchard leads charge in sustainable takeaway practices
 Shoppers will enjoy discounts when they opt for a reusable mug or food container from Muuse.